Monday 15 October 2012

My College Contents Page & Front Cover & LIIAR Analysis


Liiar analysis.

I chose the colours purple and light green because I felt that they were suitable for a college magazine because they are unisex, match a college theme and also are similar to the colour scheme my college has.  I chose this picture of my friend Haleema because I felt she suited the stereotypical model for a college magazine front cover (Pretty and smiling in some educational background).  The image I have chosen looks like Haleema is at College as you can see she is sat at a desk.
This suited my theme and matched what you would typically find in the front cover of a magazine. I have used various conventions in my front cover such as a plug labelled ‘Spring Break Issue!’ and put headings on both side of the page.  I did this because during my research into looking at other college magazine front covers I found that post had headings on either side. 
 My heading if fairly large because again this is what size you expect to find on a front cover and it is in the Top Centre which is also where you would expect to find a heading.

On the bottom third of my magazine I have a headline with other pictures. This is because I had to include lots of original images and I thought it wouldn’t make my front cover seem so boring. The general ideology behind my magazine is that this magazine is targeted to college students. It targets people that are interested in getting higher grades within their education.
I think because my model looks like shes been working hard it gives off the hard working educational connotations. The headlines are meant to connect with the audience and appeal to everyone. The front cover matches the typical conventions so it’s not meant to confuse. I’ve addressed my audience through my plug and exclusive pictures. There is no institution to my magazine since I made it.
 The Audience targeted for my magazine would be students, both male and female. So ages between 16-18 and even teachers. Haleema my model for the cover is represented as being hard working, a student, happy as she is smiling in the image and basically the type of girl that everyone knows. The front cover is meant to connect with the buyers of the magazine so that they see the front cover and automatically understand what the image means and therefore what the magazine is all about.
My Original Images
These are the original images that I took for my magazine.
I did not put some on because I felt that they where not good enought and others where not put on because I didn't have enough space.  

**19/12 After studying Media Studies longer now I realise just how bad the front Cover was.
 You can barely read the text and the image is blured. This preliminary task has helped me realsied what looks good and bad in a magazine.


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