Friday 21 December 2012

Cher lloyd Music Video

I thought this music video was perfect for research into pop music magazines as the actual video shows Cher Lloyd in various front covers/double page spreads singing. I have taken this all as inspiration for my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I noticed the trend in the colours. Sticking to 3 main colours. Also there is a perfume advert next to an image of Cher. I have made a perfume advert already that I will put next to my contents page when I make that to see how they look together.

I have found that music videos are very helpful for research into the pop music industry.

Lighting Moodboard

I enjoyed looking at lighting. I like how the lighting can affect the mood of the image. The lighting I will use on my Double Page spread should be bright, funky and cheerful. I want it to look like it belongs to the pop music genre.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Tetsing Plugs using Photoshop

I chose in the end to use a circular shaped plug as I felt it looked right, despite the fact I had initially thought that something like a butterfly or a heart of flower would look better. I though this because I thought that they would be associated more with the pop music magazine genre. I wouldn't use The same shaped plug for my double page spread or contents page because I want to mix up the magazine a little and try something new.

Draft 3 Analysis

Sunday 16 December 2012

Lyric Videos

I think this Lyric video is really great and the fonts and colours of some the video really suit the pop genre and I could use something like this for any part of the magazine. This is all Inspiration for my final piece.

Hair Styles Testing

In my front cover I am thinking about changing the colour of Lucy's hair to make it look more like a pop music magazine. Here I have tested various hair colours.

Thursday 13 December 2012


I've moved the Justin Bieber part further down in this draft. I think it works better in this cover.

Another draft

I have decided to put the justin bieber feature into a box with the same blend as the box with daniel in it.

Moving Plugs

I am unsure and considering moving the plug and Justin Bieber part around. Here are 2 different tests. 

Draft 5 adding a Plug

I decided to add a plug to my front cover as somethign needed to be added as it looked quite bare without it.

Draft 3 and 4.

In these 2 drafts the only thing that has changed is the image of Lucy. I am unsure which image to use so I am going to continue to work on my magazine and add different feautures to the magazine.

Bar/QR code mood board

Front Cover Draft 2 Analysis

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Tour Date Posters

I think that tour date posters for pop music artists look similar to spreads found in music magazines as well as be feature in music magazines. The Katy Perry tour poster is similar to a front cover as it has a mast head and medium close up of the artist featured. In the Rhianna Poster mos of the poster is taken up by her face . Her name is featured clearly in the poster to show off the fact that it is her.

Pop Artists names and logo

Pop Artists have a variety of names which help you identify that they are a pop music artist. I could come up with a fake name to put on my front cover and double page spread that will be the name of my artist.

Existing Pop Artist Names, logos and music video

Ke$ha - Kesha with a dollar sign. It says something about the artist. That she's not sticking to a normal name. Ha isn't a currency in America but the dollar sign shows that she is an American artist. Also the scratched on writing shows the Kesha might be rebellious.

P!nk - Pink with an exclamation mark. The exclamation mark shows that the artist is wild, in your face, extreme? It interests me how we read the logo as pink, despite the fact we know that it's an exclamation mark. Pink is a colour that you would associate with girls so we know that the artist must be female.

Lady Gaga - The name comes from Queens song Radio gaga. Again this name makes little sense but somehow because her name is lady gaga, we know she's female, a bit crazy and to me I would presume show would fit into the pop or rap genre.

JLS - A name that doesn't stand for anything. JLS had originally been called U.F.O but changed their name in the process of the X factor. It shows that an artist or groups name doesn't need to mean anything. I think you can tell that this is a boy band through the colour, star and font style.

Stooshe - What does it even mean? Its funny and out there which is the point in the name as that is what the band are all about. The logo fits to the pop genre the most our of all of the logos. The funky font in pink and the bold explosion show that the band are about pop music.

What is the Pop Genre?

"Pop music (a term that originally derives from an abbreviation of "popular") is a genre of popular music which originated in its modern form in the 1950s, deriving from rock and roll.[] The terms popular music and pop music are often used interchangeably, even though the former is a description of music which is popular (and can include any style), whilst the latter is a specific genre containing qualities of mass appeal.
As a genre, pop music is very eclectic, often borrowing elements from other styles including urban, dance, rock, Latin and country; nonetheless, there are core elements which define pop. Such include generally short-to-medium length songs, written in a basic format (often the verse-chorus structure), as well as the common employment of repeated choruses, melodic tunes, and catchy hooks." -

How to communicate that you are pop
One of the key ways that an artists can communicate through the pop genre is through music videos. The theme of partying 'boy-likes-girl' storyline is found in these music videos. The costumes are bright, the hair classy and different and the way that the artists acts is in a fun way.

Pop music is also shows through the actually music. A catchy beat is essential for any song.
Michael Jackson is a prime example; Bad, Thriller, Billie Jean and Earth Song have great beats and lyrics.
Looking at artists Ke$ha and Micheal Jackson their videos are different, their music is different, their image is different and they are from 2 different periods of time in relation to pop music. However they both communicate and show that they are pop music. It shows to me that the pop genre is wide and I can show that my magazine is a pop magazine in a variety of ways.
Established Pop Artists


Front Cover Photoshoot

Monday 10 December 2012

Pop Music In the Charts

Pop music very much dominates the official music charts as shown in the top 7. 3,4,5,6and 7 are all songs in the pop style. This shows that creating a pop music magazine is fitting in the market.

Friday 7 December 2012


Since perfume adverts feature in magazines I though it would be a good idea to upload a perfume advert I made at the start of taking Media Studies. An advert similar to this would feature on a page right next to my contents page.

Double Page Spread that doesn't work

This doesn't work very well because image of beyonce does not go across the page.
The main image and article don't connect with each other. In a double page spread the background should just one colour I think. The mast head doesn't fit right either. I think that to improve this double page spread it needs to have more of a clear theme. The text is also no in line.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Conventions of a double page spread #2

Double page spreads will never have a completely centred image. This is because is they did then there would be a crease in the middle of the image. And that would just look bad.
Double page spreads always stick to 3 main colours. In the double page spread featuring Florence and the machine the 3 main colours are red, black and grey.
The 3 main colours in the double page spread featuring N-dubz is pink, black and red.
The 3 colours in the double page spread featuring The Justin Bieber is Blue, White and Black.
Conventions found are pulling quotes/a main title. Also images do not go directly onto one page. As show in all  3 examples the images are spread between the two pages. The double page spread  featuring Justin Bieber is good because it sticks to the conventions found in a double page spread.
The one with Florence and the machine is good because of the image used but maybe it's a little big boring.
I have noticed that a double page spread will sometimes have a large litter at the start of an article. Also the main image will not be centered because then there will be a crease dirctly down the middle. There has to be a key mian image that has a theme to it also.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Colour scheme ideas.

Pink, Purple and Green are colours i'd expect to find on a pop music magazine.
Also a lighter blue colour. I realy liek all these colours. For my front color I want to use to colours from above and then either Black or White.
A colour scheme is important for any magazine. If I where to used black and red people could easily mistake the magazine to be a rock music magazine.

Front page idea

This is a very breif mock up of thge type of thing I want to put at the bottom of my Front Cover. I want something along the lines of  'Posters in this issue'.

Pop Music Mood Board: Make up, clothes, hair.