Tuesday 11 December 2012

What is the Pop Genre?

"Pop music (a term that originally derives from an abbreviation of "popular") is a genre of popular music which originated in its modern form in the 1950s, deriving from rock and roll.[] The terms popular music and pop music are often used interchangeably, even though the former is a description of music which is popular (and can include any style), whilst the latter is a specific genre containing qualities of mass appeal.
As a genre, pop music is very eclectic, often borrowing elements from other styles including urban, dance, rock, Latin and country; nonetheless, there are core elements which define pop. Such include generally short-to-medium length songs, written in a basic format (often the verse-chorus structure), as well as the common employment of repeated choruses, melodic tunes, and catchy hooks." -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop_music

How to communicate that you are pop
One of the key ways that an artists can communicate through the pop genre is through music videos. The theme of partying 'boy-likes-girl' storyline is found in these music videos. The costumes are bright, the hair classy and different and the way that the artists acts is in a fun way.

Pop music is also shows through the actually music. A catchy beat is essential for any song.
Michael Jackson is a prime example; Bad, Thriller, Billie Jean and Earth Song have great beats and lyrics.
Looking at artists Ke$ha and Micheal Jackson their videos are different, their music is different, their image is different and they are from 2 different periods of time in relation to pop music. However they both communicate and show that they are pop music. It shows to me that the pop genre is wide and I can show that my magazine is a pop magazine in a variety of ways.
Established Pop Artists


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