Tuesday 11 December 2012

Pop Artists names and logo

Pop Artists have a variety of names which help you identify that they are a pop music artist. I could come up with a fake name to put on my front cover and double page spread that will be the name of my artist.

Existing Pop Artist Names, logos and music video

Ke$ha - Kesha with a dollar sign. It says something about the artist. That she's not sticking to a normal name. Ha isn't a currency in America but the dollar sign shows that she is an American artist. Also the scratched on writing shows the Kesha might be rebellious.

P!nk - Pink with an exclamation mark. The exclamation mark shows that the artist is wild, in your face, extreme? It interests me how we read the logo as pink, despite the fact we know that it's an exclamation mark. Pink is a colour that you would associate with girls so we know that the artist must be female.

Lady Gaga - The name comes from Queens song Radio gaga. Again this name makes little sense but somehow because her name is lady gaga, we know she's female, a bit crazy and to me I would presume show would fit into the pop or rap genre.

JLS - A name that doesn't stand for anything. JLS had originally been called U.F.O but changed their name in the process of the X factor. It shows that an artist or groups name doesn't need to mean anything. I think you can tell that this is a boy band through the colour, star and font style.

Stooshe - What does it even mean? Its funny and out there which is the point in the name as that is what the band are all about. The logo fits to the pop genre the most our of all of the logos. The funky font in pink and the bold explosion show that the band are about pop music.

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