Wednesday 20 February 2013


Part of my research for my magazine involved looking at different posters found in pop music magazines. I hate noticed that the posters will have a bright and colourful background, feature the magazines logo and have the name of the artists in colourful text.
The first image of JB from JLS has an colourful ornage background and features the name and logo.
I hate noticed that the background is only 2 colours and this is something that I took into consideration when making my poster. The same applies to the other 2 posters. They both stick to 2 colours. White and purple or grey and pink.

I have as you can see tested some colours. I like the indea of using white with another colour. I wont change the colour of my logo because i dont think that i need to.

My own version of a Poster
 I have tried to stick to the 2 colours that I found in my research however I decided to make the logo much larger than usual.

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