Wednesday 13 March 2013

EVALUATION:Q6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

(The video in the powerpoint doesn't work :( .... so here's a link)

A typical process would be working around a main image. I think it's important to have a plan and various drafts before starting the work. I have learnt that not understanding how to use a certain programme can hold you back a bit so it's important to take time to understand how to use the programme. Also it is important to take the advice given by teachers and ask for help.

If I where better at Photo shop I would of edited all the images better off. I would have given Lucy a better coloured hair that fitted to the pop genre more. Probably pink or purple. I didn't do this as I felt that putting an image of Lucy with dodgy hair editing would make the front cover look much less professional. I also would have added more professional looking text to the whole of the magazine.

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