Tuesday 27 November 2012

Photo Effects

Conventions of a contents page IMAGES


The images found on a contents page for a pop music magazine quite vary. There is a variety of pictures on the page for different sections and articles of the magazine. There are also a variety of shots. Some are mid shots whereas others (generally the larger images) are full length. This provides differentiation between the images as some images/ articles are meant to stand out more than others. Also if they were all the same size the contents page would be quite boring. Some of the images are on boxes with borders whereas others are cut around and placed onto the page.

In image 1, down the right hand side there are different images all the same size, with the page numbers on top. This is a feature that I really like to the contents page.

In image 2 there is a footer saying ' inside this issue ' and 1 &3 also have the name of the magazine on top.

On one contents page there is some notes from the editor. This is typically found on a contents page and the box around it in generally a rectangle. There are also plugs on these contents pages. I like in image one there is a lower mast with images on posters in the issue. This is something I am considering using for either my front cover or contents page.

The text is also in columns in the magazine with page numbers next to them.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Behind the scenes of the photoshoot and outfit testing

I did some filming during the photoshoot to make a little 'behind the scenes' type video.
Madonna in the background as she is a pop artist.


Friday 23 November 2012

Magazine Name, Price and Publishing

 I am unsure just yet as to what I would want to call my magazine. I think that the title needs to include some music theme. I have looked at the names of existing pop music magazines so I don't choose the same of a magazine that already exists. I'm fairly certain that the word 'pop' needs to be included in the title. This is hardly original but I feel it matches to the convention found as well as screaming genre.

Regarding price I'm thinking about a £1.50 price. This is because the target audience is younger people that don't have as much money. Looking at other pop music magazines, they don't go over £2.00 if there is no free gift. There would be approximately 70 page in each magazine. This is because pop magazines generally aren't that heavy in pages. This is mainly because the magazine is published every 2 weeks. This brings me to my next point which is that the magazine will be published every 2 weeks. (14 days). The price of a magazine doesn't need to be too high because it gets most of it's money from advertising.

Something I found...

I just found this magazine front cover and I absolutely love it. What I like about it so much is that there are so many different images on the front cover it's given me some ideas about including pictures of posters that would be featured in the issue. This would allow me to better match to the pop music genre by including otehr pictures of artists. With this I can include various different location shoots and artists. mI have an idea now of including a boy band within my coursework.

Photoshoot chosen image

I have chosen to use this image for my front cover. I have chosen this because I think it matches to the pop theme to some extenet. I am aware it doesn't scream mise-en-scene or the pop theme. I like how the image is centered as well as having a pop star flirtacious feel to it.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Test Shoot Photos

Behind the scenes of teh test shoot
I liked these images because I felt that they where not blurred and generally look like good images. I like the lighting on images 3, 4 and 5 really worked. In these images I only had the right and Left light on. Image 2 had all 3 lights on. In some ways I like this image as it makes the image look for bright but I think just having 2 lights gives a better effect.
I like the Mid shot of Daniel in image 3 and I feel that this is the most appropriate image to use for a front cover because it matches to the typical conventions you would expect to find on a magazine front cover. In image one I also like the theme to the image which was an indie style shoot. My model Alex captures the theme with her pose, clothes and the background. It defiantly matches the mise-en-scene. The long shot in image 4 sort of worked. It think I will use a long shot inn my double page spread. Th test shoot has made me realise that for my magazine, throughout the pages I should stick to one consistent style of lighting but use different angles and shots. Image 5 was really just messing about and trying something new. The image angle looks different but I think it sort of works.

I don't like image 6 on James as it's bluured and also isn't centered or positioned right. The image is just bad.

images 6

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Indie Style Test Shoot

Alexandra my model :)

The Set
I tried out doing a front cover mid shot to an indie style theme. Between a pop and an indie theme, I felt that the pop theme worked better.

Tuesday 20 November 2012


The Brief is to create a front cover, contents page and double page spread for a new music magazine. 
All my image and text MUST be original as well as using at least 4 images in my final piece. 

Tuesday 13 November 2012

POP MAGAZINE DRAFT: Front Cover, Contents Page and DP spread

Contents Page

Front Cover
double page spread
Breif mock of the style magazine that I want

Ideas for Photo Shoot! Pop Music Magazine!

I want to stick at the basic fun pop music magazine feel. I am thinking about linking the theme to sweets and candy. I like this image of lady gaga as the colour pink has been used. This would be the type of image I would use on the front cover to my magazine. I think that a black and white image with pink in the lips and hair would be a good idea. Then I could use photo shop to get the pink on.

Looking at poses to magazines, I want a celebrity style confident pose. I want my model to look glamorous and a fashion icon. I am not going ti use any props in particular. But I will chose an outfit and do make up that match the theme. For my idea I am just going to experiment different poses, angles, shots and colours to see what works best. One thing I am sure of is using the white background at my college. For my contents page i might include images from a different photo shoot but I can get to that later.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Pop Music Magazines Mood Board

The theme I want to use a a pop magazine targeted to young girls. 
This fits into the pop music genre. 
In the mood board I stuck to these 3 colours pink, purple and green because I found that most young pop music magazines stuck to these colours. The music videos, particularly the Katy Perry one exaggerate the themes to pop music quite a lot.
All 3 videos are different in their own way. The Party in the USA video gives of a summery party feel in contrast with the Call me maybe video thatsticks to a hanging out and singing, chasing a guy and bad car washing.
All 3 videos are different in their own way but all manage to fit to the pop genre.


Audiences can be separated into groups. These groups can be anything from:
Self image/style

Demographics: S.E.G

The National Readership Survey’s social grades. . These statistic are used by any institution so it  can understand who it is trying to target.
The gratification system above makes up our population. In terms of buying magazines, people in these categories are more or less likely to buy magazines depending on its price.
People in 'A' could buy a £4.10 Vogue magazine where someone in 'E' might not be so sure.
E could advertise free tickets on their front cover where as A would advertise perhaps an article into the latest technology.

The language used in the front cover of the magazine. Is it simple and easy to read or of a childish tone? This will appeal to the younger audience whereas a more sophisticated style of language or icon for an older age would better suit older people.

Men aren't going to buy a magazine if it has a free nail varnish in it whereas a women might. If cars or a football player was on the front cover of the magazine it would be targeted to men.

Profession: Profession is important as it can determine the price that someone is willing to pay for a magazine.

Kerrang! Reader Profile & Top Of the Pops Reader Profile

Audience Research from: http://magazines.bauermediaadvertising.com/magazines/detail/kerrang

The Kerrang magazine genre fits into to rock/metal/indie music genre.
Here I can see that the main audience age between 15-24. This is understandable as young people are interested in magazines.
Kerrang has expanded and has a Download festival, Radio channel, TV channel, Website and music awards.
Circulation and Readership

42,203 (Jan-Jun '12)

87% of its readers buy every issue.
It's price is £2.20 per issue, this is affordable for younger people.

"Kerrang! is actually really young with a median age of 22. Having a younger profile is a big advantage as traditionally this age group is exclusive (and expensive) to reach. As well as music releases this makes Kerrang! Perfect for film and games, and also mobile technology and government messages."

"Kerrang! readers are the heaviest music consumers purchasing over 6 albums per month on average (53% more than the national average) and 8 times more likely to spend over £200 a year on albums. the readers are also 5.5 times more likely to attend a rock gig."

Kerrang has to be able to appeal to its audience. But keeping a consistency to the magazine it keeps its buyers coming back. Kerrang has to appeal to its younger audience because they make up 69.5% of its sales. The Female/male audience is fairly equal so Kerrang makes sure that it appeal to both genders.


Talks to it's reader
Is popular in it's market and 'the' music magazine
Is based on what it's audience talk about
Provides information and gives knowledge
People like to be seen with the magazine
The audience can trust what they read

It has 55,589 twitter followers
And 12,208 facebook fans

full page
double page spread 
half page

It's not surprising that Kerrang is so popular. Unless Kerrang where to change rapidly I think it will continue to have a loyal readership. The magazine does reach to it's age group. The 89% that buy every issue will be down to subscriptions. Kerrang has different artists on each front cover, but it sticks to the same thing. The same style of language, the same music genre and the same layout to the magazine.

Bellow are statistics for the top teenage magazines in 2010

Top teenage magazines (end 2010)
ABC figure*

Top of the Pops
BBC Magazines


Girl Talk (girls)
BBC Magazines

Match of the Day (football)
BBC Magazines

Match (football)

Kick! (football)
Attic Brand Media

DC Thomson


Kiss (Eire)
Minjara Ltd (Dublin)

Read my personal blog www.isabeltime.blogspot.com