Tuesday 27 November 2012

Conventions of a contents page IMAGES


The images found on a contents page for a pop music magazine quite vary. There is a variety of pictures on the page for different sections and articles of the magazine. There are also a variety of shots. Some are mid shots whereas others (generally the larger images) are full length. This provides differentiation between the images as some images/ articles are meant to stand out more than others. Also if they were all the same size the contents page would be quite boring. Some of the images are on boxes with borders whereas others are cut around and placed onto the page.

In image 1, down the right hand side there are different images all the same size, with the page numbers on top. This is a feature that I really like to the contents page.

In image 2 there is a footer saying ' inside this issue ' and 1 &3 also have the name of the magazine on top.

On one contents page there is some notes from the editor. This is typically found on a contents page and the box around it in generally a rectangle. There are also plugs on these contents pages. I like in image one there is a lower mast with images on posters in the issue. This is something I am considering using for either my front cover or contents page.

The text is also in columns in the magazine with page numbers next to them.

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