Thursday 1 November 2012


Audiences can be separated into groups. These groups can be anything from:
Self image/style

Demographics: S.E.G

The National Readership Survey’s social grades. . These statistic are used by any institution so it  can understand who it is trying to target.
The gratification system above makes up our population. In terms of buying magazines, people in these categories are more or less likely to buy magazines depending on its price.
People in 'A' could buy a £4.10 Vogue magazine where someone in 'E' might not be so sure.
E could advertise free tickets on their front cover where as A would advertise perhaps an article into the latest technology.

The language used in the front cover of the magazine. Is it simple and easy to read or of a childish tone? This will appeal to the younger audience whereas a more sophisticated style of language or icon for an older age would better suit older people.

Men aren't going to buy a magazine if it has a free nail varnish in it whereas a women might. If cars or a football player was on the front cover of the magazine it would be targeted to men.

Profession: Profession is important as it can determine the price that someone is willing to pay for a magazine.

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