Thursday 22 November 2012

Test Shoot Photos

Behind the scenes of teh test shoot
I liked these images because I felt that they where not blurred and generally look like good images. I like the lighting on images 3, 4 and 5 really worked. In these images I only had the right and Left light on. Image 2 had all 3 lights on. In some ways I like this image as it makes the image look for bright but I think just having 2 lights gives a better effect.
I like the Mid shot of Daniel in image 3 and I feel that this is the most appropriate image to use for a front cover because it matches to the typical conventions you would expect to find on a magazine front cover. In image one I also like the theme to the image which was an indie style shoot. My model Alex captures the theme with her pose, clothes and the background. It defiantly matches the mise-en-scene. The long shot in image 4 sort of worked. It think I will use a long shot inn my double page spread. Th test shoot has made me realise that for my magazine, throughout the pages I should stick to one consistent style of lighting but use different angles and shots. Image 5 was really just messing about and trying something new. The image angle looks different but I think it sort of works.

I don't like image 6 on James as it's bluured and also isn't centered or positioned right. The image is just bad.

images 6

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